Sociology CSS Paper 2002


NOTE: Attempt FIVE questions in all, including Question No.8, Which is Compulsory. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Division of Labour has been discussed by various sociological theories. Discuss in detail the point of view taken about division of labour by Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim
2. What do you understand by experimental method used in data collection? Explain why some researchers preferred it over other data collection methods in social sciences and for what kind of studies experimental method is used by researchers?
3. Explain social, environmental and psychological factors associated with young criminals. Answer the question with special reference to Pakistan society.
4. Discuss in detail how social institutions/organizations have been helpful in social economic development of a society.
5. Max Weber is a strong advocate of bureaucratic forum of government system. Explain in detail what lead Max Weber to write in favour of bureaucracy.
6. What do you understand by the term modernization? Discuss the important factors associated with modernization of a society with special reference to Pakistani society.
7. Write short critique on the following.
a)Child and woman abuse in Pakistan
b)Poverty issue in Pakistan


  1. Write only correct answer in the Answer book. Don’t reproduce the questions.

1) Idea of alienation to work was presented by
a) Comte
b) Karl Max
c) Spenser
d) Emile Durkheim
e) None of these

  1. Who presented that capitalism is the product of one sect of Christianity.
    a) Karl Max
    b) Comte
    c) Max Weber
    d) Spenser
    e) None of these

  2. The concept of folkways can be defined as being
    a) Culturally salient norms
    b) A pattern of behaviour
    c) Specified rules of conduct
    d) Less salient norm
    e) None of these

  3. Technic ways means
    a) Adjustment of human being with mores
    b) Adjustment of human being with Folk ways
    c) Adjustment of human being with good habits
    d) Adjustment of human being with technology
    e) None of these

  4. Ambivalence means
    a) Single attitude toward one situation
    b) In consistent attitude toward one situation
    c) No attitude toward one situation
    d) Emile Durkheim
    e) None of these

  5. Magnitude in research methods means:
    a) The extent to which two variables relate with each other
    b) The direction to which two variables relate with each other
    c) The entity of two variables
    d) None of these

  6. Research process in research methods is
    a) Not self-correcting in nature
    b) Not cyclical in nature
    c) Not observed through theories written material
    d) None of these

  7. Pakistan population would get doubled after
    a) About 23 years
    b) About 35 years
    c) About 69 years
    d) About 87 years
    e) None of these

  8. Pakistan population is termed as
    a) Young population
    b) Old population
    c) Very old population
    d) None of these

  9. Emigration means
    a) Going out of home country
    b) Going out of home district
    c) Going out of home village
    d) None of these

  10. Life span means
    a) Passing form one year to next year
    b) Maximum number of years that one can live
    c) Average life that one can life
    d) None of these

  11. Within the year group, the major emphasis is upon
    a) Achievement
    b) Conformity
    c) Individual conviction
    d) Competition
    e) None of these

  12. “Brain washing” consists of extreme and intensive
    a) Reciprocal roles
    b) Identification
    c) Disorientation
    d) Resocialization
    e) None of these

  13. The sociogram is best described as a sociological
    a) Concept
    b) Fact
    c) Theory
    d) Technique
    e) None of these

  14. A caste system as a pure theoretical type is based upon
    a) Ascribed status
    b) Social status
    c) Achieved status
    d) Both Achieved and Ascribed status
    e) None of these

  15. Social class position in a true “open class” structure is based upon:
    a) Ascribed criteria
    b) Race
    c) Family position
    d) Achieved criteria
    e) None of these

  16. The sex ratio is
    a) The number of women per hundred men
    b) The number of children a woman has
    c) The number of men per hundred women
    d) The number of children biologically possible for a woman
    e) None of these

  17. The term used to refer to the biological maximum number of birth is
    a) Sex ratio
    b) Fertility
    c) Fecundity
    d) Natural increase
    e) None of these

  18. From the stand point of its role in society, one of the great potential capability of religion is:
    a) Lessening confusion by providing a system of beliefs
    b) Taking over the socialization process of children
    c) Strengthening the other institutions in society
    d) The promotion of group cohesion
    e) None of these

  19. The essential requirement of any sample is that it is
    a) As large as possible
    b) As convenient to obtain as possible
    c) Representative
    d) Equal to entire population
    e) None of these