Public Administration CSS Paper 2007



NOTE: (i) Attempt FIVE questions in all including question No. 8 which is compulsory. All questions carry EQUAL marks.
(ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered
(iii) Candidate must draw two straight lines (==================) at the end to separate each question attempted in Answer Books.

1. Discuss the general problems comprising the elements of public administration in detail.

2. The bureaucracy in many developing countries has played a considerable part as a change agent in modernizing and development. Why bureaucracy is lacking in this respect in Pakistan? Elaborate.

3. The long experience of the leading countries of the world suggests certain principles to which budget-making should conform. What are those important principles? Describe briefly.

4. One of the writers on planning Mr. Pfiffner points out that the constitution of a country is a plan. Every planning and purposeful activity is preceded by preparation for action. Do you agree with this statement? Discuss.

5. The excessive zeal for scientific management which arose as a corollary to the merit system has produced adverse effect on administration but civil service has become synonymous to merit system. Describe briefly the merit system and its advantages.

6. The judicial remedies and accountability for the citizen of the country against the abuse of power has become prevalent in the modern time. What are those remedies? Elaborate.

7. The professional ethics and consciousness is a sort of built in control mechanism and it prompts the administrative leadership to maintain high standard of efficiency and integrity. Do you agree with this statement? Discuss.

Q No. 8

(1) Who has defined Public Administration as a detailed and systematic application of law? Every particular application of law is an act administration:
(a) L.D. White
(b) Woodro Wilson
(C) Pfiffner
(d) Luther Guilik
(e) None of these

(2) What is another view of the scope of POSDCORB study of public Administration in modern times?
(a) Subject matter view of Public AD.
(b) principles view of P.Ad
(c) Process view of P. Ad
(d) Coordination view of P.Ad
(e)none of these

(3) The Human-relation approach was the result of over-emphasized the character of scientific – movement approach. Name the leader of this approach:
(a) Max-Weber
(b) Elton Mayo
(c) F.J Taylor
(d) Roehthlisborge
(e)none of these

(4) The bureaucracy has been defined as a system of administartion characterised by expertnes, impartiality and abscence of humanity. who idefined this.
(a) Charles Kannady
(b) Max-weber
(c) Braibanti Ralph
(d) Peter M . Blau
(e)none of these

(5) What do you assess the status of bureaucracy under devolution plan-2000? whether they have become?
(a) Reformer.
(b) Pariah
(c) more responsible
(d) more nationalist
(e)none of these

(6) The system-theory is mostly applied in militry operations because:

(a) it is most objective
(b) it has many alternetives
(c) it is less costly
(d) it has many major policy alternatives
(e) none of these

(7) The charismatic leadership whose authority has a legitimacy based on charismatic grounds. Do you think it is suitable in pakistan on following grounds:
(a) Social – relation grounds
(b) political grounds
(c)Larger mission grounds
(d)organizational grounds

(8) There r many bases of administrative leadership, you select one more suitable:
(a) more appropriate base
(b)political base
(c)economic base
(d)dynamic base
(e) institutional base

(9) in ur view which is the best way of tackling administrative complaints:
(a) By judiciary
(b)By legislature
(c) By people representation
(d) By professional bodies

(10) In the best interest of country, what types of planning is more suitable and appropriate:
(a) Participative
(b) Physical
(c) Social
(d) Economic
(e) None

(11) there are many theories of organization bt all have been classified in two. which theory you consider viable in present era?
(a) Human relation theory
(b) Mechanistic theory
(c) Behavioral theory
(d) communication theory
(e) None

(12) The units of organization r divided into a line unit and staff unit according to their functions. you name the units accordingly:
(a) Advisory
(b) legislative
(c) judicial
(d) executive
(e) none

(13) The following r the foundations of modern personal system. which system you prefer most:
(a) tenure system
(b)merit system
(c) public service as a career
(d) system of position classification

(14) There are many sources of coordination and control which r mentioned blow. Which source did you consider more viable?
(a) human attributes
(b)function differentiation
(d)delegation of authority

(15) the proper continuity of communication system in public administration is a serious problem. you point out which hindrance blow must be removed first?
(a) language difficulty
(b) frame of mind
(c) status distance
(d) geographical distance
(e) none

(16) you point out correct on in the following:
(a) Deficit-financing is boon in developing countries
(b) Deficit-financing is a curse in the developing countries
(c) Deficit-budgeting is a boon in the developing countries
(d)Deficit-budgeting is a curse in the developing countries

(17) you tick out the correct one machinery which is most effective in financial administration.
(b)the central department concerned with financial Admn.
(c)principal financial officers in the administrative department.
(d)audit organization

(18) The oral and written communication of an individual is mentioned in the following. you mark out the most effective communication.
(a) discretion of the individual
(b) individual skills
(c) individual intelligence
(d) personal contacts
(e) none

(19) The followings are some administrative changes made under administrative reform-1972. You point out the most sustainable change in it:
(a) reorganization of secretariate and departmental structure
(b) eradication of corruption
(c) streamlining of the disciplinary procedure
(d) reorganization of system retirement
(e) none

(20) point out the most important defect in the public bureaucracy of Pakistan. Some are given below:
(a) Exploitive
(b) Aggrandizing
(c) corrupt
(d) most privileged