English Direct and Indirect CSS Past Papers Questions

English Direct Indirect – CSS Past Papers

Q. 5. (b) Rewrite the following dialogue, written in direct speech, in a paragraph form. (5)
Jack: Hello. Swarup!. Swatting away as usual. Come out man; shut up your old books, and come and have a game of tennis.
Swarup: I am sorry I cannot do that, Jack. The examination is drawing near, and I want every hour I can get for study.
Jack: Oh! Hang all examinations! I do not worry about mine What is the use of them, any way?
Swarup: Well, you can’t get a degree if you don’t pass the examination; and I have set my heart on being a graduate.
Jack: And pray what good will graduation do you? You may get a clerkship in a government office; but that’s all, and there are hundreds of fellows who have got their degrees and are no nearer getting jobs of any sort.
Swarup: That may be so; but I am not studying so much to pass my examination and obtain my degree, as to store my mind with knowledge and develop my intellectual faculties

Q. 5. (b) Rewrite the following dialogue, written in indirect speech, in a paragraph form. (5)
Helen: Mr West, what’s happened to John?
Mr West: He’s left the company
Helen: Why has he done that?
Mr West: He asked me for a rise but I didn’t give it to him.
Helen: Why didn’t you give him a rise?
Mr West: Because he was lazy.
Helen: Has he found another job?
Mr West: Yes, he is working in a film company.
Helen: What is his salary like?
Mr West: I think he earns quite a lot.
Helen: Does he like the new job?
Mr West: I don’t know.

Q.6. (b) Rewrite One of the following passages, converting what is in direct speech into indirect, and what is in indirect speech into direct. (05)
(i) Just as we came in sight of the valley Jamil met us,–“yes, the valley is all very fine, but do you know there is nothing to eat?” “Nonsense; we can eat anything here.” “Well, the brown bread’s two months old, and there’s nothing else but potatoes.” “There must be milk anyhow.” “Yes, there was milk”, he supposed.
(ii) Miss Andleeb said she thought English food was lovely, and that she was preparing a questionnaire to be circulated to the students of the university, with a view to finding out their eating preferences. “But the students won’t fill up questionnaires,” said Miriam. “Won’t fill up questionnaire?” cried Miss Andleeb, taken aback. “No”, said Miriam, “they won’t. As a nation we are not, questionnaire-conscious.” “Well, that’s too bad,” said Miss Andaleeb.
Q.6. (b) Change the narration from direct to indirect speech. (DO ONLY FIVE) An extra attempt shall not be considered.
1. “If I had spoken to my father as you speak to me he’d have beaten me,” he said to me.
2. “How far is it”? I said, “and how long will take me to get there”?
3. “Do you know anybody in this area or could you get a reference from your landlady?“ he asked me.
4. She told me to look where I was going as the road was full of holes and very badly lit.
5. He wanted to know if I was going to concert and suggested that we should make up a party and go together.
6. He said, I must’nt mind if the first one wasn’t any good.
7. “What a nuisance! Now I’ll have to do it all over again”, he exclaimed.
8. “I must go to the dentist tomorrow”, he said. “ I have an appointment”.

Q.6 (b) Change the narration from direct to indirect or indirect to direct speech (DO ONLY FIVE). Extra attempt shall not be considered.5
(i) He said to us, “You cannot do this problem alone”.
(ii) The beggar asked the rich lady if she could not pity the sufferings of an old and miserable man and help him with a rupee or two.
(iii) The Commander said to the soldiers, “March on”.
(iv) He entreated his master respectfully to pardon him as it was his first fault.
(v) “Do you really come from America? How do you feel in Pakistan?” Said I the stranger.
(vi) The officer threatened the peon to come in time otherwise he would be turned out.
(vii) People wished that the Quaid e Azam had been alive those days to their fate.
(viii) They said, “Brave! Imran, what a shot”.

Q. 6. (b) Change the narration from direct to indirect or indirect to direct speech. (DO ONLY FIVE) Extra attempt shall not be considered. (05)
(i) “I couldn’t get into the house because I had lost my key, so I had to break a window”, he said.
(ii) “Would you like to see over the house or are you more interested in the garden’? She asked me.
(iii) “Please send whatever you can spare. All contributions will be acknowledged immediately”, Said the Secretary of the disastrous fund.
(iv) She asked if he’d like to go to the concert and I said I was sure he would.
(v) I told her to stop making a fuss about nothing and said that she was lucky to have got a seat at all.
(vi) The teacher said, “You must not forget what I told you last lesson. I shall expect you to be able to repeat it next lesson by heart.”
(vii) He asked me if he should leave it in the car.
(viii) He said, “May I open the window? It’s rather hot in here.”

Q.6. (b) Change the narration from direct to indirect or indirect to direct speech. (Do only FIVE) Extra attempt of any Part of the question will not be considered. (5)
(i) On Monday he said, “My son is coming today.”
(ii) They wanted to know where he was going the following week.
(iii) He said, “Did she go yesterday?”
(iv) ‘By God’, he said, “I do not know her nickname.”
(v) He says that we are to meet him at the station.
(vi) He said, “I don’t know the way. Ask the old man sitting on the gate.”
(vii) My father prayed that I would recover from my illness.
(viii) He said, “How will you manage it?”
Q.5. (a) Change the narration from direct to indirect or indirect to direct speech. (Do only FIVE) Extra attempt of any Part of the question will not be considered. (5)
(i) He said to him, “why do you waste your time?”
(ii) He ordered his servant not to stand there doing nothing.
(iii) He exclaimed with joy that he had won the match.
(iv) The traveler said, “What a dark night?”
(v) He said, “Let it rain even so hard, I will start today.”
(vi) My mother said, “May you live happily and prosper in your life.”
(vii) He said, “How foolish have I been?”

Q.6. b. Change the narration from Direct to Indirect or Indirect to Direct speech. (5)
i. He said to his friend, “Let me go home now”
ii. I will say “Mother, I will always obey you”
iii. “Splendid”: said father as he read my report,
iv. He said, “Good morning, can you help me”
v. She said “Brother, why do you tease me”
vi. The King said to the Queen, “If I die, take care of my people”
vii. “By God”, he said” I do not know his name”
viii. You exclaimed with sorrow that you lost your pen.

Q No. 5 (A) Change the narration from direct to indirect and from indirect to direct speech (only five)
(1) He said, “let it rain ever so hard I shall go out”.
(2) The mother said to the young girl, “Do you know where salim is”?
(3) The officer said, “Hand it all! Can you not do it more neatly”.
(4) Invoking our help with a loud voice she asked us whether we would come to her aid.
(5) He exclaimed with an oath that no one could have expected such a turn of events.
(6) The teacher said to his students, “Why did you come so late”?
(7) They applauded him saying that he had done well.
(8) “You say,” said the judge, “the bag you lost contained one hundred and ten pounds”?

Q5.(A) change the narration from direct to indirect or indirect to direct speech (do any five)

1). Our sociology professor said , ‘I expect you to be in class every day. Unexcused absences may affect your grades.’
2). My father often told me , ‘every obstacle is a steppingstone to success. You should view problems in your life as opportunities to prove yourself.’
3). When tom asked Jack why he could’nt go to the game, Jack said he didn’t have enough money for a ticket.
4). When I asked the ticked seller if the concert was going to be rescheduled, she told me that she didn’t know and said that she just worked there.
5). Ali said, ‘I must go to Lahore next week to visit my ailing mother.’
6). The policeman told the pedestrian, ‘you mustn’t cross the road against the red light’
7). Ahmed asked if what I said was really true.
8). Sarah wanted to know where they would be tomorrow around three O’clock.

Q5. Change the following to reported speech: (10)
(1) “This is your house, isn’t it?” asked Jcmmic.
(2) “Where do you want to be dropped?” said the taxi driver.
(3) “Call (he first witness,” said the judge.
(4) “Don’t blame him for the accident,” the boy’s mother said.
(5) He said, “I baiigcd on Cliffs door but he did not answer”.
(6) “Where is the boat? Hurry up we are being chased”, she cried.
(7) “I have lost my way. Can you direct me to the Post Office please?” said the old lady.
(8) He said to me, “what a pity you missed such an important meeting.
(9) “How wonderful! Why didn’t you suggest this plan earlier”.
(10) He said, “Let’s wait till the road gets cleared”.
Q5. Change the following sentences from direct speech to Indirect Speech:
1. “Hurrah”! Said the captain of the team, “we won the match”.
2. “Please Sir, take pity on a poor beggar woman”, the wretched old woman asked for alms
3. They say. “Is this the right time to arrive9 Aren’t you forgetting something”?
4. He often says, “I am always willing to help the needy if I am assured they are really in need”.
5. The master said, “How long will you take in warming my
6 The boy said. “Alas’ I could not pass my examination”
7. “Come hare quickly and work out this problem on the blackboard” said the teacher.
8. “What a lovely evening!” Said Irum.
9. “What is the name of this beautiful building?” asked the visitor.
10. He said “Sit down over here and don’t move until I allow you”.

Transform any five of the following sentences into Indirect form: 10
a) The boy said to his teacher, “I do not know the answer”.
b) The beggar said, “May you live long and grow rich”
c) “It is very hot today, “cried the boys, “we cannot play.”
d) She said, “what a fine morning it is!”
e) She said, “I am not telling a lie.”
f) He said, “I will come to see you tomorrow.”
g) He said to him, “I really need your help.”
h) She said. “Can you tell me what the time is.”

4. Transform any FIVE of the following sentences into Direct/Indirect Form as the case may be.
(i) He said, “Don’t open the door.” (ii) He offered to bring me some tea. (iii) He said, “Thank you!” (iv) He said, “Can you swim?” and I said, “No”. (v) He told Aslam to get his coat. (vi) “If I were you, I would wait”, I said. (vii) He ordered the peon to lock the door. (viii) He warned me not to leave my car unlocked as there had been lot of stealing from cars.